Groovy/Grails in Eclipse on OS X

I’ve been working with Grails for just a short time now and so far I’m fully impressed in the time savings it offers for development. The other factor the impresses me is that it all just makes intuitive sense for someone who has worked with a variety of web frameworks before.

I ran into an issue with Grails 1.0-RC1 with the Eclipse plugin on Mac. The framework was complaining that it could not find tools.jar which doesn’t exist on the Mac. I believe Apple for some reason merged the contents of tools.jar with another system jar. Anyhow, so far I have safely commented out a reference to tools.jar in conf/groovy-starter.conf. Other than that issue, I have had far fewer than there might be in setting up a full blown Struts 2/Spring/Hibernate project by hand.

I was just reading about the IntelliJ support for Groovy/Grails over on Glen Smith’s blog and think I will have to try it out. I have never used IntelliJ before but if it has better language support for Groovy than Eclipse currently does it would be worth switching.

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